• Survey: More Employers Confident They Will Maintain Coverage Despite ObamaCare

    Posted on April 17, 2013 by in Breaking News


    The Hill By Elise Viebeck –

    April 10, 2013:

    Employers are increasingly confident that they will continue to offer healthcare coverage to their workers as ObamaCare is implemented, according to a new survey.

    Seven in 10 employers said they will definitely continue to cover their workers, a 23 percent increase from last year, the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans reported.

    The survey answers some fears that employers would rather drop workers’ health insurance and face fines than comply with new coverage requirements and other rules under the Affordable Care Act.

    It was not all good news, however.

    The International Foundation noted that small employers are more likely to drop coverage because of the law.

    And compared with last year, employers were gloomier about the law’s expected financial impact: a plurality (47.4 percent) estimated healthcare reform would increase their costs by 1-4 percent, while 16.8 percent predicted an increase of more than 10 percent.

    Smaller employers tended to fall in the latter category. They were also more likely to report that ObamaCare is affecting hiring, firing and scheduling decisions.

    Wednesday’s figures represent preliminary results of an annual survey of nearly 1,000 employee benefit professionals. Final results will come out in May.

    Source: John & Rusty Report via Choice Admin

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