Summer is Here!

Summer, CJB Insurance Services

Cute Argentine school girls selling wallets made from laminated magazine pages.

When I think about my childhood summers, I think about camp, playing with friends outside after dinner, the sound of the ice cream truck on a daily basis and lemonade stands.  I grew up on the East Coast where it can get really muggy and hot, so selling some kind of cool drink could be an enterprising way to spend the day!

Last summer, as I was walking in my neighborhood in Buenos Aires, a neighborhood I knew like the back of my hand, I was surprised to find these adorable girls selling wallets that they had made out of pages of a magazine!!  I don’t recall seeing too much of this anymore in California and I had never come upon anything like this in Buenos Aires!

The wallets were so colorful and creative, made from magazine pages with an environmental message; and these spunky girls absolutely precious.  Or course, I bought several to give as gifts for my nieces, who not only loved the wallets, but got a kick out of seeing  a picture of and feeling a connection to kids their age in another part of the world.

I loved doing stuff like that when I was a kid and now being an adult it still brings a smile to my face looking at this picture.