• Healthcare law is fodder for scheme

    Posted on July 24, 2012 by in Breaking News


    Breaking News, CJB InsuranceThe Los Angeles Times, By Stuart Pfeifer –

    July 16, 2012: Here is a roundup of alleged cons, frauds and schemes to watch out for:

    President Obama’s Affordable Care Act has opened the door to a new wave of fraud, the Federal Trade Commission said in a recent bulletin.

    People have been making unsolicited telephone call to U.S. residents, asking for personal information and credit card numbers that allegedly would help the residents get coverage under the new healthcare law.

    If consumers receive phone calls from people who claim to be from the government and ask for personal information such as the person’s name, Social Security number or birth date, they should hang up immediately, the FTC said.

    Source: John & Rusty Report via Word & Brown

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