• California Health Plans Response

    Posted on July 2, 2012 by in Breaking News

    CAHP, Statement from President & CEO Patrick Johnston –

    June 28, 2012: California Association of Health Plans President and CEO Patrick Johnston issued the following statement in response to today’s U.S. Supreme Court ruling on the Affordable Care Act.

    “The Supreme Court’s decision means that California will continue to pursue the shared goal of helping as many citizens as possible get health care coverage. Health plans continue their commitment to effectively implement the Affordable Care Act and constrain the cost of care for all Californians.

    “Much remains to be done to get more Californians covered, especially the launching the California Health Benefit Insurance Exchange.

    “Now that the link between the individual mandate and insurance market reforms has been upheld, we all need to address underlying cost drivers that are increasing the cost of care.

    “In order to ensure consistency and clarity for Californians, any state implementation of elements of the Affordable Care Act should mirror the federal law. If we go beyond the already complex ACA –by piling on costly mandates, taxes, and regulations– we could create unintended consequences and risk increasing state costs, as well as adding to the cost of health coverage for California families and businesses.

    “Health plans will continue to work with policymakers to improve affordability and choice for all Californians to ensure the stability of our health care system.”

    Source: John & Rusty Report via Word & Brown

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